Women seem to express greater openness to financial education and getting professional financial advice than men do according to a recent study/white paper from Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company. The study reports that 79% of retired women are receiving professional financial advice, versus 68% of men The white paper, “Closing the Retirement Gender Gap,” compiles...Read More
Among Americans between the ages of 45 and 65 who are saving for retirement, an online survey of 1,007 adults done last April by Allianz Life reported that 49% are “chasers” – people who think they need to catch up on their retirement savings and wish there was a way to make up for lost...Read More
A survey recently conducted by Bankrate.com indicated that those who have made an estimate, put the median amount at $650,000. Lee Barney of PlanSponsor.com reported on this survey in early June, quoting the following numbers: 61% of those Americans surveyed don’t have any idea of how much they will need to retire successfully. $650,000 was...Read More
NAPA Net I’s Ted Godbout, reported on an online survey conducted April 9-20, 2018, by Convergys for Merrill Edge Report. The online survey polled 1,000 respondents with investable assets between $20,000 – $250,000. This report indicated that wealthy Americans still value in-person knowledge and expertise for financial advice over emerging technologies that are shaping the...Read More
The Retirement Income Gap What can cause a shortfall? Social Security – Timing is Everything What happens if you claim early? Retirement Accounts What can employees do to boost their savings? Helpful Hints for Plan Sponsors Upcoming Compliance Deadlines The Retirement Income Gap Many American workers participate in company retirement plans, methodically contributing to their...Read More
As reported by Lee Barney, at PlanSponsor.com, half of retirees indicate they spend less in retirement than they did when they worked. Retirees are less concerned than pre-retirees about their money lasting throughout retirement; rather, they are more concerned about declining health, according to a survey by Greenwald & Associates who conducted an online survey...Read More