Cash balance plans are hot right now, with popularity increasing exponentially over the past few years. But this plan type isn’t for everyone. Wondering what types of businesses are the best fit? You’ve come to the right place. It’s time for…Cash balance connection! (announcer voice font 😉). On one side of the curtain, we have...Read More
Imagine you have entered an escape room. The details buried in the items around the room – on the walls, sitting on tables, attached under chairs – all mock you as you plan your attack. A few of these items are decoys or mere distractions to rob you of precious time. Meanwhile, the clock ticks...Read More
The SECURE Act sprung on the scene in late 2019 and gave tax credits a new hero available to help defray plan start-up costs beginning in 2020. The long-anticipated sequel, SECURE 2.0, released in December 2022, recast this favorite A-lister, and kicked her up a notch. Wham, pow! Tax Credit starts saving small businesses even...Read More
Fun Fact: Did you know that two, possibly three, government agencies oversee employer-sponsored retirement plans? Furthermore, multiple committees in both houses of congress get involved when drafting bills and legislation that impact retirement plans. Retirement plans are both a tax benefit and employee benefit, which means that the rule book continues to be written and...Read More